The Friends of St. Peter's Berkhamsted

Friends of St Peter's, Great Berkhamsted

Supporting the work of maintaining and enhancing St Peter's Church and the churchyards that belong to it.

Join the Friends

Give the Friends regular support by becoming a member – it’s just £15 per year. 

You can help us to preserve our cherished historic buildings and monuments and burial grounds of St Peter’s Church, and to enhance our local heritage assets for the whole Berkhamsted community to enjoy.

As a member, you will  receive:

  • A biannual Newsletter
  • Details of our Social Events

Membership rates

We ask for a minimum amount per year, but you may increase this if you wish.

Individual £15.00
Family £20.00
Corporate £50.00

How to Join


Join online (individual)

Make your first year's payment now, and then fill in a direct debit form to renew next time.

credit card logos

Join by post

You can also join the Friends the old-fashioned way!

  1. Download the membership application form:
     Download application form

  2. Print it and fill in your full name and address details, and specify individual, family or corporate membership.

  3. If you are a UK tax payer, please also complete and return a Gift Aid Declaration:
     Gift Aid form

  4. Post it with a cheque payable to the Friends of St Peter's Berkhamsted to:

    The Secretary
    Friends of St Peter's
    Hertfordshire HP4 3NG

Gift Aid

Whichever way you choose to donate to us, if you are a UK taxpayer, please also elect to allow us to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation from HM Revenue & Customs by selecting the option when you donate online, responding to the confirmation text message when you donate by text message or returning a Gift Aid declaration with your cheque. If you're a UK taxpayer, Gift Aid makes every £1 you donate to us worth £1.25, because we can reclaim the basic rate of tax on your gift from HM Revenue & Customs at no extra cost to you.

The Friends of St Peter's Berkhamsted is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation and registered charity (England and Wales) number 1160314.